My Works


Writing is not just a profession for me, it’s one of my fondest loves. I grew up as a rather shy and awkward child, and found early on that the written word, rather than the spoken, was my natural means of communication. I believe I was twelve years of age when a national dog newsletter published my short story series, Ymir, Dog of the Vikings, about a Norwegian Elkhound in ancient times. I was always writing something as a youngster, whether short stories, poems or essays. I even hand-wrote an entire novel in a collection of marble composition books. It was a Gothic romance about a vampire.

It was also really bad. But every writer has to start somewhere.

Today, I still write just about everything. My passion is fiction, and I shift between mystery, fantasy, paranormal, and children’s stories (which might encompass all of the above). However, non-fiction and other informational pieces help to pay the bills. As long as my brain is sending words to the screen through my fingers, I’m still a pretty happy kid.

In these pages, I will attempt to introduce you to some of my writing, with the hope that you will find it enjoyable, useful, or both.

Of course, if you wish to purchase (or hire me for a writing or editing job), I won’t complain, either.


Articles For Purchase

I have a Constant Content profile, where several articles I’ve written can be purchased for online or print venues. Feel free to take a look, if you are in the market for animal-related content for your website, blog, or other publication.